ad1 that big white thing is greenland (even though its white), the smaller green thing is iceland
ad2 they also export the crappy time consuming grinder game eve-online. which is less fun than watching too flys f*ck
maybe i just needed to put some text there to fill the paper, and originally i just planned to put the picture there... maybe i didnt give a sh*t about featured users, and just ment featured in the other sense... hell knows
no way... its just related to the film.. i dont know why exactly did they put a jesus pic there, but hell knows.. if i would change it to something else, it wouldnt be as good to viewers who have seen the movie
its pretty simple, the little bots are tryling to vote it down, but because the colossus has more then 12000 votes already with an averange about 4.5 stars, they cant hurt it.
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