Because it's much more interesting that way! and who's to say he didn't slip, and trip, and fall over backwards, and avoided the rocket on accident, EH!?
Because it's much more interesting that way! and who's to say he didn't slip, and trip, and fall over backwards, and avoided the rocket on accident, EH!?
Awesome. Too bad TOS is the worst of the star trek series. Yes, even worse than Voyager. Much worse. The only good thing that terrible piece of crap did was spawn some semi-decent movies (aside from the first ST movie.. that sucks also) and the extremely awesome TNG and DS9. (Also.. Enterprise seasons 3 and 4 are great. 1 and 2 range from god awful to as dull as a brick.)
I'm annoyed that the new movie is going to be a prequel.. dealing with the characters from the TERRIBLE series.
A mac user can't be a REAL communist. A real communist wouldn't put up with the capitalist-monster-esque nature of Macs. It's too closed and restricted. Exactly what a communist doesn't want!
A communist, a REAL true to the name communist, likely would use Linux, or live in a wooden cottage and read a lot of books and have a really big beard.
Whoaaa.. Bashirjuggles is animated very closely to mine also (I didn't use the same image.. I made this one after watching the episode I downloaded).. but still.. His is funny also! A previous search would have benefited :P
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