Very well done, but your approach to the matter is ridiculous - just because a person is dying doesn't mean they see death, and those prepared to die often HAVE been sick - do you KNOW what a stroke is? You're almost insulting your religion by saying Voltaire became religious after losing some of his brainpower. There is no proof these skeptics SAW DEATH, they merely were on an approach, which is TERRIFYING for some.
stryker looks A LOT better than his old outfit, armorcore.
i was thinking you were going to use that sh*t from airplane, where the guy in the air tower is like "striker...striker striker striker" and the guy slaps the girl.
A lot of movies these days shoot in Canada (cheaper); from what I heard, Snipes was stoned almost EVERY DAY of that shoot, so it makes sense to think he was high. They had to use his body double for most shots, and CGI'd his face in except for CU's. Also, racists can shut the f*ck up, we're talking about one person here, not every blacktor.
Raptor jesus doesn't make fun of jesus. It's actually against Islam to depict mohammed, so by drawing him, you're kind of directly insulting him - and then sodomizing him. Nobody does that to the Jesus. "-2 for gay music, -2 for being a racist peckerwood."
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