An engaging conversation with my coworkers about the cultural impact of Goatse and its implications for consumerism in the face of changing moral values. Their conclusions were actually quite insightful, pity I couldn't partake in the discussion. =(
My busy lifestyle as an internet nerd doesn't often afford me the luxury of forming elaborate replies to everything awesome I encounter. Therefore, I frequently find myself relying on simple links to expedite my response by providing the complex emotion of amazement / excitement all wrapped up in an easy to comprehend, quickly absorbed format. And yes, the irony of this exceedingly long statement is not lost on me. X)
Thanks captain obvious! =) Just wanted to make this site so I can post a one-link response whenever I see something cool. A self-referential YTMND, this is not.
Okay, that was pretty crafty. Hint: it's not a visual secret, you'll have to be more resourceful than that. J5 is right - the secret is IN the page. Not ON it. IN it. Get it? =)
Not only does the choice of music suck more completely than anything which has ever sucked before, this EXACT thing has been done before, and better: YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!
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