what? you want me to upvote your picture? the editing isn't half the problem. If somebody can get the quote from the movie, they'd be a god. I think if you have a dvd, you can get it off there.
woah, waoh, woah, i've heard nothing of this worth1000.com trust me, this was an idea developed originally like a couple years ago. I just remembered it.
i voted YTMND, but there are other options. "this is the ultimate showdown" "All your base..." "I AM CO3M TO EAT J00 N00BLETS" "H4X0RZ" "This is Snake..." "ROFFLE MY WAFFLE" "TRANSFORM! FORM OF... (insert something funny here)" "PUT YOUR SHOE ON YOUR HEAD!" "Safety not guaranteed" "88 MILES PER HOUR!" "YAY PEPTO BISMO!" "OH GOD! NOT ON MY NEW PANTS!" etc.
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