Yeah, Christ is not fashion. The difference between Jesus and fashion is when you give your money to a church, you get nothing, and when you give money to a clothing store you get clothes.
I always laugh when Mac releases some new high performance computer. It's not like 95% of the people that buy it are really going to use it for professional video editing. So what else requires a heavy duty machine? WARCRAFT THREE, ROFFLE!
The Christian mind says, "If I don't understand something, it must be the work of God. I don't understand how the Universe came to be, thus God made it."
The scientific mind says, "I don't understand how the universe came to exist... Let's try to learn more about this.
This is weak logic. Christians interpret this concept as, "the universe exists, thus logically, God has to have existed to create the universe." This can be just as easily flipped... If God exists, what created God? It's absurd.
Yeah, Christians are peaceful people and would never persecute anyone...
Except for the Crusades....
Oh, and the Spanish Inquisition...
Oh, and burning people for being "witches..."
Oh, and bombing clinics that perform abortions...
Oh, and uh, shooting doctors who perform abortions...
Oh, and annoying the living sh*t out of everyone who doesn't happen to have the same worldview as them.
Then, when anyone says they're tired of hearing about how awesome Christianity is, "OH WOE IS ME! I'M A MARTYR!"
Yeah, Bhuddism is fake. Islam is fake. Not like Christianity's REAL walking on water, resurrection, worldwide floods, curing the blind, angels, demons, heaven, hell... ell oh ell
The voice of Miss Bitters from Invader Zim was also the voice of Smurfette from The Smurfs. Lucille Bliss. She was also the voice of "Daphne" from the videogame Dragon's Lair.
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