Watch Spider-man 3 as a movie about Spider-man and his adventures. Don't watch it expecting a carbon copy of what happened in the comics. This is a film. It's gotta bypass the Hollywood standards first, of Raimi would never get funding.
You didn't mention that Lot's actions led him to oblivion. His descendants fought each other bitterly until they were all wiped out. Lot himself was never mentioned again, and it's safe to assume he died in obscurity and poverty. He paid for his actions.
As a Christian, I've always been taught to "look at the bigger picture". I'll freely admit that the Bible isn't 100 percent accurately translated, and I'm sure there are exaggerations involved. What I take away from the book isn't details of dates, miracles or rules. What I do take away is the knowledge that an incredible man, the son of God, walked this mortal plane and taught us humility, respect and love. He spread the word of peace towards all people (even "f*gs"), and was punished for our evil.
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