Gummi Baers.....fliing heer and there and evurywhare....their cox are huge beyond compare....they are the Gummi BAERS!!!!*
*(huge cox sold separately, batteries not included)
Hay guys mumitkhan here just enriching plutonium so I can send twelve year old kids to bomb your mothers car anyway lets talk about website admins. They are so dumb because they make wikis that nobody reads OLOLOLOLOLOLOLO. QUR QUR QUR, QUR QUR QUR, QUR QUR QUR, QUR QUR
Hay guys mumitkhan here just pouring curry in your turban anyway let's talk about Sunnis. Sunnis are stinky and after they bomb their target when they get to paradise all seventy-seven virgins are guys! OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL QUR QUR QUR, QUR QUR QUR, QUR QUR QUR
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