Actually if you make your own shells you could always put some shot in front of the slug and get a similar effect to what you see in the movie. You'd pretty much have to make your own though, sub sonic loads for shotgun shells are pretty much impossible to buy in a store.
They're using standard shotgun shells in that video so the suppressor doesn't do much. You have to use special subsonic rounds with slugs or sabot to get it anywhere near as quiet as Anton's gun is in the movie.
They happen less than in BF2 but are still quite common, lots of exploits already and apparently alot of the hacks for BF2 work for BF2142 as well. EA/Dice=FAIL Imma waitin' for Quake Wars.
I know WTF happened? Why did Max let all those new *ssh*l*e mods kill sites left and right... he should start revoking mod priv. for alot of those people.
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