macc's recent comments:

August 26th, 2007
On on the site ?Hold me Edward
I hate you so much.
August 25th, 2007
I'm South African, our educations crap now, but that was just LOLOL
April 10th, 2007
rofl owned
March 30th, 2007
this is so stupid how could i not vote 5
March 18th, 2007
On on the site ?South African furry
im south african and i have no idea if i should 5 this or 1 it...
November 3rd, 2006
The download limit has been reached for this file. :(
October 26th, 2006
the time of purification is at hand
September 22nd, 2006
10 bucks says your a jew
September 22nd, 2006
i don't know why i 5'd this, i hate it
September 5th, 2006
On on the site ?False Religion
buddha is dead, gg to that
September 5th, 2006
i saw him once, at his zoo, RIP steve
August 17th, 2006
zomg its not in engrish wtf?
July 7th, 2006
5, i have that modem :)
July 7th, 2006
On on the site ?
both suck, hardcore
June 24th, 2006
On on the site ?wtf beach!
^stupid comment box messed up my comment, durbans in south africa if you don't know..
June 24th, 2006
On on the site ?wtf beach!
my home town,
June 19th, 2006
that song is so depressing lol
June 17th, 2006
hes a scientologist, get him!
June 17th, 2006
On on the site ?stillon
June 15th, 2006
im a man and i sent you some nudes, cheack your in box big boy ;)
June 9th, 2006
i miss reboot
June 6th, 2006
god only helps those who help themselves.
June 3rd, 2006
On on the site ?Legacy of Kings
5 for hammerfall
June 2nd, 2006
MOONSORROW f*cken own
May 20th, 2006
lolz did you record that with your mic?
May 20th, 2006
May 20th, 2006
On on the site ?Hard Rock Hallelujah
best hat ever
May 20th, 2006
lolz your all going to hell
May 19th, 2006
On on the site ?
the it was a pretty much a copy from germanys first rifle during ww2 but we some good improvements