lifeistrippy's favorites:

site average score creator added on
?*~A Tiny Glimpse~* (4.66) smoothmedia 2006-09-14
blew my f*cking mind
lifeistrippy 2006-09-14
?Pale Blue Dot (an atheist's view - tiny update) (4.09) Lave 2006-09-30
bloody hell, cant anybody read? Carl Sagan wasnt meaning "OMG OUR EARTH IS SO SMALL THERE CANT BE A GOD!!!111oneoneone" He's saying that we've dilluded ourselves into beleiving we re so important, when we re really so very insignificant, and that dillusion is leading us to cause so much needless pain and suffering. He's saying it doesnt matter whether dumb shit A thinks god exists and wants to beat it into our skulls, or dumb shit B thinks he doesnt, and wants to beat it in just as hard. We' re a peoples stuck on a speck floating in oblivion, and we need to learn to work together if we're going to survive. (not that anybody's going to read this with all the fanaticist propoganda preceeding it...and thats fanaticist on BOTH sides of the arguments)
lifeistrippy 2006-09-30