Thanks, D&D nerd, you totally proved my theory wrong with your calm and clear-headed attitude. I'm also sorry for not researching your culture enough to distinguish between dungeons and dragons, axe chronicles, chaos sword and warhammer.
When I glanced at this I thought it said "f*cking meta", and when I saw it I was like, oh, it's "meta"because he's emereging from his own face and...nevermind
cont'd: where the two songs don't fit. Making a full length version is impossible for me. The songs have their moment together and then go seperate ways.
some answers to some questions:
I looked for a good goat sound and couldn't find one, so I used the moo, since they look a lot like cows at this size anyway. Find me a good goat sound and I'll put it in. The moo, fyi, covers up a part where the two son
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