You could potentially cut your taxes by ~25% (Using canadian figures and regulations, im not sure how the charitable donation tax credit works elsewhere) by donating your entire income, assuming that putting your entire earnings towards this is realistic. In canada there would be no tax on the interest you earn, either. You could easily put yourself in a lower income bracket this way and potentially cut the amount of taxes payable by ~35%. Shit is soo cash until the gov't finds out and audits you and this potentially fraudulent charity.
Not LSD, something far worse. This drug hooks you in and never drags you out. It is the reason people go on sites like YTMND and youtube and canihazcheezburger and even the 4chan b-boards (you sick f*cks).
That substance is...lolz
hmmmm... 2 Israelis killed by rockets every year.
Don't coconuts kill 8 people every year? Lets go to war with those palm tree bastards and show them who is the boss.
Also Palestinians have pretty bad aim if they only pick off two a year.
"Currently its evaluations as a possible carcinogenic agent showed there is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of pyridine"
aka sex does not cause cancer
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