retards like syntax are suggested to actually search the internet before they make retard comments making them look even more retarded than their retarded selves were previously viewed to be. This is /b/, noob.
momthinksimcool.... it was a midnight showing.... and the movie came out on what, the eighth? and that's not in the US.... so the oldest this can be is 11 days, 10 in the US. Dude wtf, this is the first one lol.
proof story is true in mathmatics: 2+2-3 = 1, 2+2+1=5, 2+3 = 5, therefore kicking fat ugly lesbians in the chest shouting "this is sparta" is in fact a valid way to be praised by teh intarnet masses
blue thunder hell if i know i think it's true i just found it. Tell ya what, since you're such a nazi, why don't you just go look it up in the police files of every county in the U.S., come back in a year and let us know if you've found it. When you do we'll be like "lol ur such a noob we were rite newb"
fattyness, they can be shocked for a second and then start cheering. Think of the situation for a moment..... nobody would start cheering right away, they'd be like "wtf... LOL!" and then 20% would be like "wtf..." still
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