kimb2's votes:

kimb2 has made 112 total votes, with an average rating of 3.47.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Patrick Stewart Loves Little Girls (1.00) (3.78) 
?Joaaahnny Depp (1.00) (3.69) 
?Nigga Stole Pee Wee's Bike! (1.00) (4.30) 
?Weird Al Can't Stop The Rock (1.00) (4.24) 
?Unicorns Are Kickass (1.00) (3.99) 
?(nsfw) Orgazmo: ualuealuealeuale (1.00) (3.57) 
?Something Completely Different (1.00) (4.03) 
?Beauty is Skin Deep (1.00) (3.55) 
?Michael Moore doesn't change facial express... (1.00) (3.98) 
?Calgon Take Me Away (1.00) (3.86) 
?RPS-25 Beats RPS-15! (1.00) (3.88) 
?A Midget is a Midget (1.00) (3.88) 
?(nsfw) wtf were you thinking? (1.00) (3.85) 
?Big-Badda-BOOM! (1.00) (4.23) 
?Tom and Katie Love Song (1.00) (3.62) 
?The YTMND Addiction (1.00) (3.99) 
?Hypno Carlin (1.00) (3.91) 
?(nsfw) Life is GOOD! (1.00) (3.86) 
?Conan ... has GONE INSANE! (1.00) (4.32) 
?Who are you again ... ? (3.00) (4.05) 
?Conan Head Crusher (1.00) (4.05) 
?Aurora Head Bang ... Party On! (3.00) (4.07) 
?Willy Wonka's Acid Trip (YTMNLSD) (2.00) (4.41) 
?Tom Cruise Needs Therapy (3.00) (4.38) 
?The Joker Watches Ping Pong (2.00) (4.19) 
?The Goblin King Understands Milton (2.00) (4.10) 
?Goblin King Grants Milton a Stapler (2.00) (4.34) 
?Shatner Addresses Congress (5.00) (3.22) 
?Chuck Norris Likes The Boom !!!!!! (5.00) (3.75) 
?Joe Cockers Bike Stolen!!!!!!!!! (5.00) (2.43)