f*ck you, you piece of sh*t. why should we pay for something you f*cking caused.
You're a f*cking scumbag who wanted to be cool so he spammed his site elsewhere in order to get views. See what it got you?
F*cktard. You should be forced to pay the entire thing yourself you moron. Quit trying to pin this on us. It's your fault mother f*cker.
nice edit... :P
“The whole copyright issue is very touchy, especially on the Internet. In the real world, people don't steal things and just not think about it. It's much more of an afterthought on the Internet.”
I'm 5'n this because this photo was taken with an actual sure-as-sh*t camera and not walmart snap-in-a-box. The fact that this was taken with an actual camera though...scares the f*ck out of me.
this is the second biggest bag of failure i think i've ever seen. the first biggest bag of failure was most likely the thing you tried to improve upon. kill yourself.
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