went off in the dark basement and all at once everyone turned around. Soon, I found myself being chased up and out of the tavern by dozens of thugs. I narrowly escaped with my life. I later found out that the world of google fights is never to leave the dusty basements of taverns or the abandoned warehouses where it takes place. If word ever gets out about the locations of these fights the pigs would be all over them. I decided to show this image to the YTMND community at the risk of my own life. Enjoy.
to make a quick buck." he quickly remarked.
This night the atmosphere was especially tense. Two big contenders were in the ring getting ready to battle it out. The Wii and the PS3. I could hardly believe I was in the presence of such greatness. The fight was long and hard, but in the end the Wii came out on top. At that moment I realized I had my camera with me. I thought I'd take a picture of the Wii's victory since it was the one I was backing, and I wanted to show my pals when I got back. The flash
Yes, it is very illegal. I risked my life to get this image. It all started when I went down to the local tavern. One of the guys there said he knew how to make a quick buck, and of course I was all in (I need money to fuel my crack addiction). He took me down to the basement of the tavern and too my surprise there were dozens of people cheering and yelling. I asked him, "What's going on?"
He just replied, "google fights..." Alarmed, I responded, "But that's illegal!"
"Shut your trap. You said you wanted
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