Well a trident has 1 prong wich is significantly stronger than the other 2 because its an extentsion of the whole untensil, tool ,weapon, etc. and the 2 other prongs are built off of that. A fork on the other hand, is just 4 peice of sh*t prongs connected to the handle by sh*tty means and not as structurally sound.
The size doesn't matter the Trident is so structurally different from a fork its in its own family, as long as its a 3 pronged tool, utensil, isntrument, weapon etc. it is a trident.
I think I might have been here when you took this, I know for a fact I have doorblocked with someone named 666 blocking that same exit and we were blocking the other ones at ava. I also remember some idiot who wouldn't shutup on voicecom, it makes doorblo
ROFL THIS IS AMAZING,LOL I didnt think there was anything left on the internet that could possible gross me out, THIS IS SO f*ckING NASTY THAT ITS f*ckING SWEET, IM GONNA SEND IT TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!
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