Compare this to Coincidence? I think not. Apparently Konami's artists were big fans of 80s sci fi action flicks in the 80s.
5'd for Michael Biehn awesomeness. If there has ever been an actor who plays the badass future soldier better, I don't know of one.
Something else to note. Notice the similarity between the Contra cover art and a well-known photo Arnold from Predator? ( It's no coincidence.
Apparently Konami's artists were big fans of sci fi action movies in the 80's.
You're a petty propagandist, Whetstone. Your numbers for the Catholic "murders" are entirely exaggerated... b-b-but you did RESEARCH on the interwebs!1one If it's on the internet, it MUST be true. Please... I could claim that the lunar landing was a hoax staged by the U.S. government, and link to plenty of sites that seem to back up my assertion. Do some real research, from objective sources (note: that doesn't include half-crocked Fundamentalist "scholars" with an anti-Catholic agenda.)
Repent, heathens!1one
Fire and brimstone is a terrible way to evangelize, if that is indeed what you're trying to do.
I'll give it 2 stars for the obvious time and effort you put into it; I trust your motives are pure, but I can't condone your method.
Great sound clip, but poor editing; worst of all, that's not even Bergkamp. I'll 5 it as soon as I see Denny running and not some Chelsea or Portsmouth tool.
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