goodguy5's votes:

goodguy5 has made 18 total votes, with an average rating of 3.22.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?mac fails at duck hunt (5.00) (4.55) 
?(nsfw) How The Fuck Do I Get In? (1.00) (3.94) 
?Megaman selects a war (fixed loop) (1.00) (4.10) 
?how the man did danced russian by charley age 9 (5.00) (3.79) 
?Rude Kitty had One Weakness (5.00) (3.53) 
?Must Kill (5.00) (3.49) 
?Ebaum Fish v. 2.Ugly (5.00) (3.75) 
?lol, emotion (5.00) (3.45) 
?Top 20 reused identical images (1.00) (4.24) 
?Riker visits the forums (1.00) (3.41) 
?Data Works Harder, Faster (5.00) (4.09) 
?WZMB, you're on the NEDM! (1.00) (3.35) 
?New baseball cheat code revealed!!! (1.00) (3.08) 
?Sad Ending :( (5.00) (3.66) 
?The un-funny truth (teksoqp was born here) (5.00) (3.72) 
?FBI... F...B....I? (5.00) (3.85) 
?Human Space Invaders (refresh) (1.00) (3.73) 
?Scientology Front Group flyers Florida with lies (1.00) (4.33)