vince is an ex-scientologist, using all his shamwow money to fight them in court for ruining his life. vince got fair-gamed for making "underground comedy movie" back in the 90's
google that sh*t. it's for reals.
Lower oil prices = Hugo Chavez not having so much money to buy popularity with. Predictably, he's distracting his people from their economic problems by telling them to batten down the hatches for an invasion by US forces.
Oh, and nipples.
Interesting... The only way anti-muslim sites make the front page is when they're sponsered.
And what do you hope to accomplish with this inflamitory bullsh*t?
another distraction from one's problems is to re-direct the public's attention to the problems of other nations. why don't you use your freedom of speech, and money, to get people pissed off about things they can actually change. instead of fruitlessly trying to inspire people to hate.
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