I just saw Robocop for the first time and immediately thought of this fad when that scene happened. I knew it was too obvious not have been done already :-)
Good find! Songs like this and dull ballads comprise the entire Korean music industry. Most people don't know or care that K-pop is usually sampled from legitimate U.S. or European songs written 10-30 yrs earlier. At least Japan also puts out rock, punk, etc.
Awesome! Interpretation works, well-done picture, the address is a nice touch too. Also thanks for using the real version of the song and not Van Halen's or some crap.
Chilvan thinks everyone has automatically seen everything he has "clarly commented" somewhere else. He's looking way to deep into this - it's a joke, not an investigation.
That's chinese (not Japanese) and all I can tell is that the first two chars mean Hell, the third is Come, and the last sometimes means child. Kid coming to hell?
haha stupid mac can't handle loading the page so it's beachballing!!
Actually I love macs - so much that I can tell you that cursor is pre-OS 8 (from before 1997) :-P clever site
Truth is, though, these Intel chips blow away the stagnant G5, and it's the superiority of the Mac OS that makes Macs more stable than Windows, not the CPU.
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