frameshift13v3's recent comments:

January 8th, 2010
*here... sorry for the error, I was fingering a horse dick.
January 8th, 2010
This needs to become a meme... "Hey man, don't finger my [enter arbitrary noun her]"
November 22nd, 2009
Papa... Paparazzi
September 23rd, 2009
A couple of rows in front of "The Dick" & "His Bitch" was a guy with two people looking at him. What was he doing?
August 8th, 2009
On on the site ?No, YTdoodieheadND.
"No, you have a fat head and I have a small head" "YOU DON'T HAVE A BRAIN THEN!!!" "*awkward pause*" (Bill Nye Reference)
August 5th, 2009
The mayonnaise made the children
Nice to meet you. Actually, we met once before. WHUT!!!
July 15th, 2009
On on the site ?BIG SKRIN TEVEEZTA
I'm going to need one of those now that my INALUG TEVEEZTA doesn't work without a CANVETAR BUX.
June 24th, 2009
anybody know the name of the song? it's very cartoonish and infectious.
This is the .gif that will be everybody's forum avatar, now.
Thank You Thank You Thank You. I wanted to know who made the song.
Who made the song?
June 13th, 2009
With this site, I have seen The Promised Land...and now, I want to leave
"I'm going to rip your endocrine system out of your mayonnaise"
June 12th, 2009
I say we disconnect their oxygen tanks and see if they're prepared for that. LOL...Just kidding (or am I?)
June 12th, 2009
Are you saying that Digital Television is a gateway drug?
Smooth Jazz V98.7 Playin' nothin but the hits to get you through the night.
June 10th, 2009
On on the site ?ToastZapperz™
That was actually a security mechanism. The toaster recognized that it wasn't Dave. It was his idiot brother Tony.
Crazy Bruce's Liquor Nutritional Facts-- Serving Size: 1 Bruce, Calories: 2000, Total Fat: *depends on how much Bruce had to eat that day*, Sodium: 20g, Total Carbohydrate: 50g, Sugars: 90g, Protein: 69g, Vitamin B: 43g, Vitamin Crazy: Over 9000. Ingredients: may contain more than trace amounts of Bruce's crazy semen. Fermented with fruits, nuts, herbs, spices, and crazy.
Nice, but what are gonna do if goes bankrupt....? To be continued....? No.
On on the site ?owl pacino
"Tell me something...'who' are you looking at?" (LOL...Bill Nye The Science Guy reference) "OWL ALERT!!!! Owl alert? *screech*" (LOL....Magic School Bus reference) "Owl" (LOL......Little Bear reference)
On on the site ?!!!!!!!!
You are the future of YTMND!!!
On on the site ?BIG BOPPIN
When the red, red robin comes bop, bop, boppin' along--you shoot it?
On on the site ?
Say the oath!!!
Eye-talian Cheese bread...LOL. They don't serve that at any Little Caesers franchise near me. Lucky...
April 24th, 2009
Darth Wang must have used the force on you
April 24th, 2009
He used the force to compel me to make this site.