foxymcfox's recent comments:

January 12th, 2007
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing...for his sake, I hope he is the latter.
December 19th, 2006
Good job! Together we can restore Haley to her former glory. We must restore the other originals.
September 10th, 2006
On on the site ?(nsfw) Stick Stickly
Been done at least once, but I think it was done twice...when I say "Done" I mean same song same image.
September 10th, 2006
Damn, I need to catch up, I'm missing 4 whole volumes...anyone who has volumes 6-9, I will trade you bits of string, or a pretty tiara, your choice.
September 9th, 2006
It's moments like this that make me proud to be a switcher.
September 4th, 2006
Remove watermark, add YESYES watermark, speed up the animation a bit and you are in business.
September 4th, 2006
Hyphenate "Spider-Man" in your source...the way God intended.
September 3rd, 2006
On on the site ?Thumbs up!
What is that amazing song?
September 2nd, 2006
Will Smith is a Scientologist...he renounced God long ago.
September 1st, 2006
Well, now you're part of the Axis of Evil...congrats. You might want to start digging your spider hole now.
August 30th, 2006
GAYTMND is NOT an alternate universe, so playing on current fads and YTMND's isn't quite in the fabulous spirit of GAYTMND...Plus, this isn't a paradox.
August 30th, 2006
"Possibly the worst show ever made, Hence it got cancelled. Basically the Simpsons in space." You do know it is coming back in '08, right? By the way, the image credit should go to whatever fan made is not legit Futurama art.
August 22nd, 2006
On on the news post mo money mo problems.
40th? And I am clicking on every ad link possible to help the cause as I mentioned in the comments to your YTMND: If you want, I'll be more than willing to chip in with some graphic design work.
August 22nd, 2006
Bill Murray turned down the role of Batman too.
August 21st, 2006
Just keep leaving comments...I have to go now, but I'll try to address any "proof" you leave me here when I return.
August 21st, 2006
I have over 30 hours of video which easily shows that nothing you just said happened. Yes the antenna fell slightly early, because the towers were Hull-Cure Structures. A rare form of construction which would allow separate failures of the inner and outer support columns.
August 21st, 2006
That should be 49.3 % ...and most only agree that the government ignored warning signs...which is an entirely different debate than the one we are in the middle of.
August 21st, 2006
"most New Yorkers believe there is a government cover-up surrounding..." NOPE only 49.3 do...that does not equal a majority...thus it does not amount to "most"
August 21st, 2006
By the way, friction (From bending metal or similar means) alone can build up incredible amounts of heat, enough to melt metal. In the process of failure, plenty of metal would have bent...creating the friction. Office fires can easily reach 1100 degrees or hotter...which is enough to weaken steel...even structural steel significantly.
August 21st, 2006
I've conducted independent investigations into the speed of the fall, and found that the actual fall time was closer to 15 seconds, nearly double the impossible 8.4 seconds cited in the million dollar challenge.
August 21st, 2006
Video evidence clearly shows the point of failure to be approximately at the point of impact. Bomb reports can easily be dismissed as vaporized jet fuel combusting in the elevator shafts, which had their hermetic seals broken by the impact of the planes. As I said, your only proof of bombs is hearsay and speculation.
August 21st, 2006
Planes alone would have done that, so would a straight to the point bombing (Like in 1993), or a complete why hit the buildings with a plane AND bring them down? If you could have seen the terror on the faces of New Yorkers that day, you would know that the buildings being hit purposely by planes would have been sufficient.
August 21st, 2006
That info on China is all based on what its media allows out of its borders...which is not to be trusted. The Soviet Union looked like it was doing splendidly based on its reports too. Do you remember the Soviet Union, or was it before your time?
August 21st, 2006
I've seen that picture of those supports before, and they were at the base of the tower...far from the point of now we are getting far into scientific impossibilities.
August 21st, 2006
First you say that taking the buildings down was not the point, now you say that taking down a symbol of America was the point. The buildings by your own admission were a symbol of America...which is it? Regarding the metal: Most has miniscule fissures which the metal will fail along under extreme strain, like a building falling on top of them...this also heat the metal greatly (Try it by bending a paper gets hot).
August 21st, 2006
Okay, if we didn't need the buildings demolished, why not just fly planes into them, sans demolition...that should have gotten it's point across, like 7/7/05 did in England.
August 21st, 2006
Wow, are you psychic? Apparently you are. Am I going to have a good year? Am I going to win the lottery? Maybe China should focus on it's own economy before trying to become a super power.
August 21st, 2006
"supports of the buildings were so cleanly cut" not the supports that I to show otherwise. And are you suggesting that thermite was used...despite the fact that it has NEVER once been used in a controlled demolition in history? Thermite is highly unreliable, and does not provide the necessary reaction to efficiently take down a building.
August 21st, 2006
Charges are quite distinct...they need to be to take down structures. Look I can link to a video too:
August 21st, 2006
That video only shows windows cracking along faults, glass is non elastic. There is no signs of the charges common to demolition.