there are some fascinating things to the universe that cannot describe. but lumping those things together into the concept of a god is a cowardly way to approach the unknown. but it is cute how you Christian scientists capitalize your little postulates, like Causation or First Cause to swindle some validity.
Illegal immigrants cannot receive welfare. They cannot work in the United States. The fact that they DO is not their culture problem, it's our corporate legal problem. More walls won't fix that.
i always love your stuff, no contest. but the laughs in the brilliant original Conan vs. Bike come from the juxtaposition of the real images. here you have just made a shack out of gold.
i'm gonna get it for saying this though.
the administration is moronic. you can't just blindly go DNA testing things - you need something to match it against. chances are they can't force the students to give blood or hair samples. FAP ON, BOYS!
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