It scares me that Ohio State did that study. Assloads of reigonal campuses and one large main one, and the best they can come up with is a sex map. I am ashamed of them.
Funny thing is, the bulk of Cowboy Bebop is riddled with references to American music. Bohemian Rhapsody? How obvious could they get? But yeah, you're looking at a Beatles reference.
The roller coaster you see is Son of Beast. It's a wood rollercoaster with a loop, and caused injury in a freak accident (nobody died, but the people on that train were injured). They announced today that they were going to take out the loop, and has freaked out most of the Kings Island community. So yeah, it's messed up, but hardly makes a competent YTMND. 3'd
Gah, I'm torn by my Mac-ness and my YTMND-ness, so I'm midvoting. Clearly people who bash Macs either have never used them, used a seriously outdated one, or are just scared of something different. I don't know, but I do know the advantages that Windows has over Mac OS X and vice versa. Decent YTMND, though. Huzzah.
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