duffy22's votes:

duffy22 has made 12 total votes, with an average rating of 5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?My Best Friend Rammstein (5.00) (3.64) 
?Beat her (5.00) (3.75) 
?Kerney Thomas Jr (5.00) (3.40) 
?Cum in my boot (5.00) (3.11) 
?Bender Rock And Roll Mc Donalds (5.00) (3.15) 
?Usher Rammstein (5.00) (3.00) 
?Till Lindemann Stares Into Your Soul (5.00) (3.44) 
?Darth Vader Doesnt Want To Hear It (5.00) (3.57) 
?Your Arms Are Broken (5.00) (4.00) 
?Who Really Killed Martin Luther King Jr (5.00) (3.45) 
?Half Life Cuba Gooding Jr Scientist (5.00) (3.78) 
?Ytmnd Swat Team (5.00) (3.73)