devourthesun's recent comments:

September 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
I find it both sad and annoying that you continue to post these fundamentalist Christian YTMND’s. Have you ever considered that some of us are quite happy with our religious beliefs, whatever they maybe, Christian or Not? How can you imply that just because some people were so beaten down with Christian dogma about the afterlife, that as they passed, their fevered minds manifested what they had been told for so long, that this is what awaits us all? I don’t believe in your heaven, or your hell. I’m a proud pagan, and I would appreciate it if you stop shoving your religious bullsh*t down mine, and the rest of the YTMND user’s throats. We don’t post about our religious beliefs, so please, stop forcing yours on us.