deathnote-shinigami's votes:

deathnote-shinigami has made 140 total votes, with an average rating of 5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?World of Warcraft sex is rather intense! (5.00) (2.60) 
?Night Elves are emo (5.00) (1.37) 
?CALM DOWN BRO (5.00) (1.58) 
?(nsfw) Lazytown meets Tourette's Guy (5.00) (4.37) 
?(nsfw) :'( (5.00) (4.58) 
?Unsolved Tourettes Guy Mysteries (5.00) (4.60) 
?Tourettes Guy Doesn't Give A Shit (5.00) (4.68) 
?Tupac is dead, I am not (5.00) (3.83) 
?(f)ARTMND: Christmas in Ureye (5.00) (2.40) 
?disregard everything on this profile I sucked cocks (5.00) (3.44) 
?What if n64 Kid was goth? (fixed) (5.00) (3.44) 
?what iftmnd: goth mona lisa (5.00) (3.71) 
?Goth is having a wonderful time (5.00) (3.00) 
?World Of warcraft simulator. (5.00) (1.77) 
?World of Warcraft 2 Spring 2009 (5.00) (3.13) 
?wowzilla (5.00) (2.50) 
?World of Incestcraft? (5.00) (2.82) 
?Mageroyal? (5.00) (3.10) 
?World of Warcraft Expands (5.00) (3.56) 
?NEW world of warcraft DEATH KNIGHT!!!! (5.00) (3.00) 
?(nsfw) Overpowered Hunter Pet...Wow (5.00) (2.00) 
?BRIAN PEPPERS IS BACK!!!1!11 (5.00) (4.42) 
?Brian Peppers Acapella (5.00) (4.44) 
?Brian Peppers Best Day Ever (5.00) (4.57) 
?popes don't change hand positions (5.00) (4.40) 
?Raving Bloody Indians (5.00) (2.83) 
?World's Greatest Cupcake (5.00) (4.33) 
?The Future of our World of Warcraft (5.00) (3.71) 
?(nsfw) Teen pussy staring at the camera (5.00) (3.50) 
?Bert and Ernie Love Homeless People (FUNNY FA... (5.00) (4.07)