davek's favorites:

site average score creator added on
?Doug Vs Kramer: Final Conflict (4.26) wieners 2006-08-27
?3.141592653589793... (4.34) kraln 2006-08-27
?BAH da BAH BAH BAH, I'm Lovin&#0... (4.16) BTape 2006-09-18
?Han knows the code (Updated) (4.64) V1L3 2006-09-21
?The Empire Strikes BAH! (4.44) MasterSitsu 2006-09-27
?Conan is...CAPTAIN PLANET (4.24) Mrlol 2006-09-29
?BAH: Vice City (4.23) kingstefan 2006-10-01
?Sniper (4.58) PCF 2006-10-10
?Wonka breaks it down (4.66) nutnics 2006-11-18
?300TMND:How to motivate your troops(cleaner loo... (4.51) somerandomguy29 2007-03-12
?Attack of the Dean Fighters (4.72) drew00c 2007-04-22
?300TMND: What enemies of Sparta see before th... (4.19) fonixmonkey 2007-05-04
?This Is Sparta.. Watch Your Step (4.21) DiGiTyDarKMaN 2007-05-12
?The Council's favorite treat (4.42) AndySavage 2007-05-18
?Arnold Teaches Video Games (4.06) Kahalachan 2007-06-04
?Judge Wonka Throws the Case Out (4.74) Mohrdikai 2007-06-17
?Willis Has Trouble Beating Arnold (3.94) drew00c 2007-06-22
?BAH! HEADSHOT (3.21) Crusher8576 2007-07-23
?The fad the Ghostbusters cant stop (F5) (4.26) g0ast 2007-07-29
?Bubb Kills It (4.39) dbomob 2007-08-03
?The most powerful oven ever. (4.65) RescueRanger 2007-08-15
?Ghostbusters III ( VI in Japan) (4.64) AZNMOStudios 2007-08-15
?Conan's last show (4.34) fearcondom 2007-08-25
?Khan's true feelings.... (4.07) UberNeuman 2007-08-26
?What is DTMB (with 100% moar bro) (4.24) windmillninja 2007-09-23
?I'm Going To Be Honest With You (4.69) richards6 2007-10-20
?New Talent on 60 Minutes (4.78) Improviser 2007-10-20
?Uncle Phil Sees The Splendor (4.54) NiteSky 2008-02-18
?ToolmanTrain (4.38) Grog 2008-02-21
?Toolman F (4.49) kanks 2008-02-21
?Zelda: The Bubb Rubb of Time (4.71) sammich22 2010-03-19