The images were a bit out of sync for me, but that don't matter, this is SO worth a 6! The singing was as beautiful as Joan Osborne's, and the concept brilliant (I LERVE parody!) My iPod will be thanking you for years
It is an awesome show. I started watching it when my nieces & nephews were watching it. And I for one, am no pedo, for my favorite character who draws me to show is Robbie Rotten! He's like a G-rated Jim Carrey, only far far cooler. And of course, I love the songs. And the colorful yet childish sets & props. It has the feel of a kids stage show in that sense, despite being on the screen. Although honestly, I don't think I would have been quite as into it if it hadn't been for YTMND!
5 for citing the TNG episode (I cut my geek teeth on that show).
Also, I was dressed as a Hobbit first time I kissed a girl. I dare someone to outgeek that.
I 5 it. The sync wasn't even that far off, barely noticable. I love a good storyline on YTMND. This reminds me of
darthgorbag's recent comments:
That'll teach you to have the first name "Darth!"
....oh, wait...
...Who do you think gave it to Guinan? ;)