I'm not quite sure, but I remember that a while ago, this so called "crazy frog" sound was on an "insanity test" website that showed a picture of a car with that sound in the background. Who stole the copyrights???
Volume seven is awesome as usual! Songs to consider for volume eight:
linkin park nazi remix- http://nazilinkinparkfaint.ytmnd.com/ , Styles P- I'm Black (I don't have a link), Katrina Rap- http://katrinagolddigger.ytmnd.com/ , and MORE DUCKTALES!
I have a full version but it starts getting really messy towards the end so I just cut off the rest. If I can make a better version I will update. For now, check out this remix: http://nazilinkinparkfaint.ytmnd.com/
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