these things just get infiltrated and ruined. people in the revolution have to be more sporatic but A for effort. watch how fast it gets demonized by the media and dubbed occult by neocons
board game of russian origin? Nintendo stole tetris from a russian software designer. Semi-interesting story; Different versions of the game were floating around russia I guess because the originator never sought to get copy rights. so nintendo picked it up and called it tetris. They made boat loads of money from it to, i'd bet.
Lol don-piano the talking cat is his father. I think the user that created this might be the talking cat himself. That cat has super-natural intellegence. well, for a cat that is. 5'd
don't believe the white wash. The f*ck ups arent as accidental as you think and he sounds stupid when he talk because he wears an earpiece with someone dictating to him on the other end. combine that with his drug use and you can practically see the stings.
The U.S. created/trained alquida and osama bin laden. (aka tim ossman) He is what's called a patsy. Governments use fear to control it's people. so our governments can say put army helmet on head. put global empire on head. put barcode on head.
probably setting up internet 2 and closing down this one. It'll be the end of free speech as we know it. It will cost a lot of money to do any mundane free thing you'd use the internet for. Emails will be able to be read and content will be able to be pulled from anywhere on internet 2 by it's... benefactors.
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