there is also this god damn sound clip of children laughing. the first place i heard it was the intro/title screen thing for diddy kong racing, since then ive heard it in about 1000 commercials and movies.
its when the Rare logo is spinning 7 seconds in.
also i was going to say starcraft, the academy does it and i think firebats as well?
i dont know how. i just got by lowering the colors used in animation shop. i dont know how to do this sh*t lol
the highest quality one is 5.7 megs.. i can get it down to 3.8 looking decent, but that wont upload :(
still i can tell whats going on and i think its funny :P
well since im retarded and use GIF animator and just time the length of individual frames to the song, its too hard to time that short little burst of prodigy.
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