G-Gundam was a Japanese exercise to see how many stereotypes they could nail onto a robot. When you consider the African gundam was dressed in Zebra skin, and wielded a tribal shield and a f*cking SPEAR, I wouldn't be surprised if the Holland Gundam was brandishing a tulip sword.
I knew when clicking on this site that Faithfully/Elecman was going to be on here. It's one of the first things I noticed when I first played the game back in 1989.
Also, no Robo's Theme/Never Gonna Give You Up? (Even if I think they don't sound that alike, but do sync well.)
(Replying to myself, cause for some reason, I can't reply to your comment directly.) For a basic Resident Evil clone, it was rather impressive. The Arctic Post stage was by far the creepiest, and in my opinion the game kinda fell apart once you entered the Alien's lair on each stage. (That platforming puzzle in the temple was pure hell.) I also found it odd that the best way to defeat a Bug was to just run up to it and kick the sh*t out of it. All and all, it was my first survival horror game.
Capcom voice actors... what great talent. Zero should have been the one to fill her dark soul with LIIIIIIIGHT! I can at LEAST say that they got much MUCH better talent for the PSP Maverick Hunter X (MMX1 remake). X actually sounds respectable.
I was actually wondering this morning if anyone had done an NEDM to this scene. It plays out exactly like I imagined it would. You have now achieved hero status.... which is meaningless coming from me. "Grandpa Borgnine, no!"
I was overhearing this last night, and thought to myself, "Good God, am I hearing this correctly?"
Apparently, I was... and it's much worse then I thought.
In all honesty, she DID inadvertently answer the question.
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