cammelspit's votes:

cammelspit has made 74 total votes, with an average rating of 2.65.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Booker T and the Chipmunks - Also Good Rave M... (4.00) (3.50) 
?retard beat boxes a race car (1.00) (2.83) 
?Transformers (2.00) (2.72) 
?guess (1.00) (1.57) 
?david whethers (1.00) (1.80) 
?Important Presidential Message from George W. B... (5.00) (2.83) 
?Plasma Man! (1.00) (3.18) 
?teh indianz (1.00) (2.00) 
?Chris Rock doesn't want to be friends (1.00) (2.40) 
?Bounce! (1.00) (2.92) 
?I believe you have my DS stapler (1.00) (2.17) 
?Metal Gear Raiden - WTF?! (2.00) (2.12) 
?@Lan ¦ ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG... (1.00) (3.10) 
?I.Love.Juice. (1.00) (1.83) 
?Sorry, looks like we can't find that page... (3.00) (2.19) 
?Interrobang - when punctuation marks collide (1.00) (2.82) 
?Human Oreo! (1.00) (2.58) 
?Emo (1.00) (1.62) 
?Come crawling faster (1.00) (1.17) 
?OMG EGGMAN THERE IT IS~! (4.00) (3.64) 
?Deep Meanings and Sponge Baths 7 (1.00) (2.78) 
?Jan Cent (1.00) (1.25) 
?Raffi's favorite place to be is... (5.00) (2.29) 
?Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (1.00) (2.23) 
?Fight the Power (1.00) (3.36) 
?Yum Yum (1.00) (1.27) 
?(nsfw) Lindsay Lohan (1.00) (3.11) 
?trippy (1.00) (1.85) 
?YTMND: For Gameboy (5.00) (4.58) 
?The Elements (1.00) (4.57)