That's nice. The person who made this symbol back then, probably knew about this and made a subtle resemblance when they sketched out their way of protesting against war. Just remember now: vagina= "make LOVE not War", period.
I'm real anxious now to see what it's gonna be like when females start ruling the world...
Perhaps not the time to say this, but I think the original fanfare theme Nobuo Uematsu composed for the Final Fantasy series, was inspired by Koji Kondo's original level clear theme from the first SMB.
Real good, except for one thing: towards the end you didn't keep the continuity going, trend-wise. Don't forget "References" (even if there aren't any).
kinda intersting, you know if you just sketch out that circled area just right, you could almost get an image of Cloud...namely the Buster Sword part...
What the shell's wrong with you?! Who said anything about this being 100% original!?
You're most likely downrating this site so bad because you never got this far in the game, or better yet played it. Image quality is something else when you've captured something with a flippin webcam! If I used that "Ist Mein Tag" music, I'd probably be given an even LOWER rating. It doesn't matter to me whether people care about this, but darnit it's there! It's not funny to me at all. So it says "ZOMG", big deal!
You just don't get it do u? You're supposed to be in MORE DEPTH about the subject at hand; nonetheless, sith happenz.
4'd for a somewhat obvious truth.
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