"Who gives a flyign f*ck about a flag? it's a piece of cloth. Seriously!" if you can't grasp the meaning of symbolism, then you must be the most boring, unartistic person the world has ever known
sonic adventure : sonic games :: mario 64 : mario games why couldn't they have just continued to do the whole "sonic games in 3D" approach instead of trying to make completely diffent games and sell them with name recognition =/ oh and those game boy games were horrible because the sprites sucked. seriously... they should've used the ones from sonic 3. knuckles looks like a 5 year old for crying out loud.
this is more true than you think. Scientologists believe that they get magical powers at the higher levels such as telekinesis, astral projection, and mind reading.
8O omg I think I'd start crying if my kids did that. Seriously. I would
curl up in a little ball and weep until I slept. The next day I would get
up, go to the store and buy a new TV with the money I got selling two
highly-prized white children on the black market.
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