benseverywere's recent comments:

January 9th, 2010
March 12th, 2009
March 9th, 2009
OPERA FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1one
March 9th, 2009
On on the site ?Experience: The 80's!
wiki grab ftw
March 9th, 2009
On on the site ?Fun With Rap Music
?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Acronym Definition HTPA Hydro Turf Planters Association HTPA Human Tissue Plasminogen Activator HTPA Houston Transportation Professionals Association (Houston, TX) HTPA Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy (Wilmington, CA) HTPA High Temperature Polyamides HTPA Health Technology Policy Analysis HTPA Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice HTPA Hearing Technology Predisposition Assessment HTPA Heritage Tree Preservation Act (California) HTPA Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis HTPA Holy Trinity Parent
March 7th, 2009
aren't ALL of your sites mean to be a joke?
March 7th, 2009
this site is sh*t
March 2nd, 2009
what in the hell?!