I don't care for the stars, as this site made its point. But I was sure to go through some of your high rated sites and gave them all a one star. But hey, you seem mildly retarded, so I'm sure you're used to being given a star.
"Move onto something else" like what? Your sh*tty site of you editing sound clips of Rachel Ray talking about Meatballs? Get a life. All you do is sit on this site 24/7 and downvote people. You're probably some teenager with no friends in high school besides the few selective ones whom you talk to about the internet and WoW with at lunch.
Howi it an inside joke you moron? Inside jokes are ones that people don't get besides people who know the info behind it. How can you not see that it's obvious the man has IBS?
This site's turn to sh*t. How is this even top page material, and what kind of idiot thinks no one likes Garfield? It's one of the most red comics in the newspaper.
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