i love how every site about fundamentalist Islam uses pop music that would get you arrested by the moralscops in Iran or Saudi Arabia, and those are the BEST places. Anywhere else you'd just be kidnapped and christ knows what else.
as if obl is the king leader of all terrorists everywhere in the world. next youre gonna say farc and eln were trained by saddam hussein and tried to buy plutonium from african warlords and that sendero luminoso worship allah.
done 1000^1000 times which is greater than the number of protons in the universe which is how many alreadydone ytmnds you ripped off. also str*ght*pdvdr*p
2007-03-15 01:38:25
4 stars
"somehow would have been funnier without the photoshopping" then it would have been good old dvdriptmnd, wouldn't it? wouldn't it? wouldn't it have been good old dvdriptmnd? you'd know.
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