whats that in his cup? whats he drinking? is that juice in that cup? why does the cup not fall off the plane? why does he not fall off the plane? is he so aerodynamic that the wind does not push him off? I would like to know that. also is he one of those black guys who has actual black skin? if he is he would be really cool. i like that robe hes wearing it makes him look emo plus it matches his black skin. is he emo? i really bet he is emo because he looks sad and lonely. i need more emo friends.
you send all your troops to iraq and then you go to iraq yourself and you know what happens? you get captured by an iraqi journalist with your troops nowhere to be found.
he was not being racist, its very obvious that obama was very hungry and the man throwing the chicken was simply trying to feed him as fast as possible. but the sad thing is that obama hates chicken.
it would be awsome if his name was actually "raiden spinnaz" cause if it was then the song would make more sense being that hes saying "i'm raiden spinnaz"
also vamp does something wierd looking
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