Flint is the father of the main character in Mother 3, Earthbound's sequel.
You see Ness yelling at him because hes supposed to be everyone's favorite Earthbound character.
I just love it whenever someone thinks that because one plays a video game, they have no life, and that by calling them that it gives them a good reputation, when they themselves look like they have no life except to say that others don't have a life.
Because Zoidberg fails at fixing things.
All the same reason on how Bender burned Zoidberg's underwater house with his cigar which was still lit after the underwater fire.
But there are no other songs that are about how a Tauren can just get ganked, how mad that Tauren must be with the maggots crawling in his skin.
Theres no other song about Maggots crawling inside a Cows skin is there?
Yeah I was thinking it was Carth and Bastila to... though I don't remember the Bastila and Revan making out scene in KOTOR I... so that makes me wonder... who is this "Master" he was reffering to.
Its the one where Fry finds a guy from the 1980s who froze himself as well, he takes over the bussiness, and the new Futurama commercial was that... except instead of Conan it was "Mom".
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