You know, if we cashed in all the money the war has cost (1.2 trillion) into pennies, we could cover every single urban area of Iraq in 14 feet worth of Abraham Lincoln's face.
3 for the music and Sagan text. Ironically, Freethinking (as they call it) shouldn't involve the denial of an entity on the basis of naturalism. Freethinking should by far, involve more of a sense of wonder, mystery and the embracing of questions rather than answers. You sir, call the religious populace narrow minded because thay act like they have all the answers - a conclusion that can only be thought of by someone who carries the same frame of mind, though a different position.
Youth's moral standards have not changed a great deal. The only thing that has changed is us. The older you get, the more bitter and indefferent is one towards those out of control, tragedious little rascals.
Yeah football is sooo boring. Not like that super exciting, on the edge of your seat sport called baseball....
Football is about tradition, legacies, it has a history. Very much unlike American football, which involves dumbass meatheads with primitive attitudes in a stadium full of beer-belly idiots that pretty much own the market on Ford F-1/2/3-50's and trucks of which their ridiculously giant size physically compensate for more than what they'd like to admit.
Yes yes, religion is evil. Unlike atheism... We all know that those who embraced the teachings of Nietzsche made this world a better place. Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Stalin were all great people acting upon his frame of values....
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