teh good thing about ytmnd is that is isnt anonymous. there is a time and a place for /b/ and it isnt here... Break rules 1 and 2 newf*g by using a named account to bring a little of /b/ to ytmnd. leave plox.
but tbh advice dog is pants poopingly funny just not on ytmnd.
Your a douche it says no inside sh*t.... whateva suck a fat chode and GTFO off YTMND... if your going to do personal schiesse make a photobucket and add your own soundtrack... jerkhole.
And you Bodominjar your a NARV mofo! 5 inside crap has nothing to do with Netm or Nedm or Neem
SO STFU n00bs
MEchasoup you have no sites! you have nothing to grant you any credibility, make a site over 3.7 and then come back and talk crap about my insidejoke fadesites!!
YOu dont even have any sites... dont be an @$$hole and downvote mine or dont even vote mine if you dont even have the ability to make your own sites...
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