no the real source is a porn from japan, called naked continent, where she f*cks a black guy and they pretend he was one of these wild tribesmen but is probably just a black american or something
what does this have to do with japan? i heard about this like 2 years ago in america. furthermore, iku means going, kuru mean coming. but they use iku like english uses coming
caucasian describes mountains, but also people? so whats wrong with oriental describing people? i suppose you would want asian to be used? but that includes everyone on the continent of asia
that's cool.
what do you mean ichi the killer is better because it's not animated? it had some of the worst, sh*tty special effects i've ever seen--it would have been a million times better animated
bullsh*t, there was no holocaust in the americas. there was the spanish inquisition, though. but you can't just put that blame on columbus for that. and what the f*ck are you talking about slashing open pregnant women? who says? any sources on that? hitler organized a huge genecide, columbus didn't organize anything like that, didn't even have the power to do something like that, he was just looking for a way to get money and landed in america. neither used religion to justify anything, dumbf*ck.
how the f*ck is that racism, retard. are you implying that due to their f*cking race, they are incapable of speaking correctly? that it is somehow a genetic deformity either in their voice box or brain that prevents them from speaking correct english? goddamn you're retarded.
i'm looking for a site, is was used in a few fads. it's a video game with an arm out in front, and then you walk into an area and get killed and the screen turns red, with the fad being various thing popping up. what site was that?
electrons are not just like marbles. and who says marbles wouldn't interfere with each other if the experiment was done with marbles to scale? also too long
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