Gee, I guess humba has reading problems too. I didn't say anyhting about it not sucking. Just about the date. Way to show off the 2 digit IQ you sport.
I love all these f*ckups who haven't the collected intelligence to read asimple date before posting "Predictable, been done". Like no sh*t, when was it done before wise ass? 2004, 2005 maybe? Oh like this one? Great call asshat, you get the too stupid to read award! The only thing I love more are the pricks who say the same sh*t AFTER it's been pointed out that it's an old YTMND. See above for details...
lol, because here on YTMND we hate it when people do their own thing and make their sites how they feel like making them. Do everyone here a favor and run on home to EBaums and let people here do their thing!
Props to you FNU! For those of you feminazi's and c*ck loving little boys calling her a whore... I didn't see her f*cking anyone. This is by far classier than stripping in some club. As for her stomach, my wife's 105 and anyone on their knees their belly will do that and arching will make it stand out. To those who asked why arch your back to show off the goods, any man who gets a piece now and again could tell you that it's uber hawt when a girl arches in ecstacy during sex. Therefore it's hawt in the pic
I am Christian. However, it is better a person, in my opinion, find god because they want to not because someone crams it down their throat or makes them afraid. This add is as lame as being scared of bad Thetans! lol...
For those asking, the thing that roasts this kid is his own stupidity. He takes a melon with the top cut, fills it with rubbing alchohol, lights, and whacks it with a bat. *POOF* instant NEDM Revenge!
Really funny, but I can't in good conscience vote this up at all because this is ytmnd not your the youtuber now dog. Put it in an animated gif with the music and I'm all fives...
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