i was gonna 1 this cause hes oen ugly bastard but i 5'd it cause of sexymofo, see how tha tworks sexymofo uve made so many enemies that everything you 1 something for no reason at all 5 other guys 5 it just cause u 1 it
5'd, cause stuff more retarded than this gets 5'd...so why teh f*ck not its not like these ratings mean SH*T cause everything on this site is pure PIGSH*T
sexymofo stop downvoting ytmnds taht kick ass, they are so good you retards that downvote dont even make a dent in there popularity, please suck my huge donkey cock mother f*cking retards
Btw, alliance are so f ucked when the expansion comes its not even funny, horde now has paladins/shamans/ AND SUPERIOR PVP RACIALS. night elves better lube up good cause they gonna get raped hardcore in the xpansion
Goku was the most retarded character of them all, the best thing to describe goku is oen of those homosexual body builders, tough as hell but also homoseuxual as hell
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