Wolfoxery's recent comments:

September 7th, 2010
So this is just him waking up and smashing his alarm while the original music is playing, right?
September 7th, 2010
Maybe the other guy did have the same idea. If he did his sucks because what he made doesn't reflect the idea I had.
September 5th, 2010
Sorry but it seems you are wrong on both counts.
September 5th, 2010
It's similar footage because it is the only footage of the movie you would associate with Inception. Also the idea is different. This is about him hearing the "wake up song" and then checking his talisman. The one you are linking only makes the connection to Inception in the title and the description but itself is totally unrelated.

So please stop trolling.
September 5th, 2010
That's not the same.
September 5th, 2010
It's okay to admit it's your porn. This is the internet.
September 5th, 2010
I do hope nobody has made this yet. I searched and I only found one that was sort of like it but worse and not the same joke.
September 5th, 2010
I'm impressed. How did you manage to bloat this up to almost 10mb?
August 7th, 2010
On on the site ?Homer creates a YTMND
That was funny when it was done better five years ago.
August 5th, 2010
I don´t get it :(
March 28th, 2010
Ooops, I forgot to tell a joke
November 12th, 2009
The joke doesn't work if you include the beginning of the song.
October 5th, 2009
On on the site ?Star Wars Kids
So why is this getting so many views?
September 25th, 2009
The most random things get on the front page. Although I don't get it, this at least looks like there was some work behind it.
September 21st, 2009
Technically both, I splitted the song that was ripped from Rock Band
September 21st, 2009
Because I stopped when it sounded good
September 21st, 2009
On on the site ?Hentai is easy
I don't get it
September 20th, 2009
You got me, I really see no difference between that one and mine. : (
September 20th, 2009
On on the site ?conrad cat
Silent. Old picture. Yawn.
September 15th, 2009
That was funnier the first time around
September 15th, 2009
There's so much that could be done better about this. : (
September 15th, 2009
Sorry, never heard of him before.
September 15th, 2009
September 15th, 2009
Montag means Monday. It's not Monday. Also it doesn't sound alike at all to me
December 14th, 2008
On on the site ?MmmHmm™
September 16th, 2008
Thanks, he looks like he's really enjoying it.
September 16th, 2008
I don't think you're able to judge that. Stop sh*tting up the comment section.
September 10th, 2008
depending on their choice of perks.