Fail, if I use proving you right you would of have to of said this: Since when is ytmnd *not* an editing competition?
All I did was blow your mind by editing your post after you inquired when ytmnd became an editing competition. So, I guess in the end I should have put "LOL, first to edit!" since it was a competition.
The point of a "subliminal message" is to fool the brain into doing something it doesn't understand or doesn't want to do or it gives the person a heightened awareness of something awry. The joke of the ytmnd was that there were five stars and since it didn't show you something blatantly obvious like an old lady going "bah!" you downvoted because you can't comprehend smart humor or the concept of subliminal advertising. Or in laymens terms, T3H MAN POT T3H GHEY FIFVE ST4RZ LOLZ SO NOW H3 TRES MEK M3 VOOOT 5
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